Tagged: NAMG

Sigma Labs Inc (OTCMKTS:SGLB) Hangs In There

Sigma Labs Inc (OTCMKTS:SGLB) Hangs In There

NASA recently announced that they are thinking about sending a 3-D printer to the International Space Station and we’re pretty sure that most of Sigma Labs Inc (OTCMKTS:SGLB)’s shareholders were hoping that their company...

Vapor Corp., (OTCMKTS:VPCO) On A Downward Slope

Vapor Corp., (OTCMKTS:VPCO) On A Downward Slope

We’ve covered Vapor Corp., (OTCMKTS:VPCO) a fair few times now and we’ve always said that this particular company does have a lot more to show compared to their small cap counterparts. They have a...